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Blog - 01/07/2021 17:19 | Web - SEO

SEO, don't get ripped off

The truth about SEO, and Companies that make false promises

What is SEO?

If you have a website, you have surely heard of the famous SEO (search engine optimization). Well, SEO is exactly that, optimizing a website, from its structure to its content, to facilitate the work of search engines (Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yahoo, etc ...) and try to appear first in the results of search. This optimization is achieved by designing a clean, well-structured website, with reliable links, interesting content, selecting only the appropriate metatags, and achieving a constant and growing flow of real visits and external links from verified sites with high credibility.

We can say that today SEO is the level of fame and credibility that your site has, and through which it manages to appear closer to the first positions in the search results related to its content. SEO is not something that can be bought or guaranteed in a contract.

What is NOT SEO?

SEO is not paying for advertising, or doing black magic or hacker's apprentice tricks to get ahead of the competition and "win" in search results, or include 500 hastags or metatags on each page, or use "tools" that create false visits and false links to our site, or do spam campaigns with misleading and fraudulent advertising.

Surely you have been contacted by "companies specialized in web positioning" promising the first positions in the search results in exchange for a small price. Well, you have to know that this is all a scam. Years ago, perhaps you could fool search engines with tricks and false links, but today things have changed a lot; Some of these companies may be able to position you first for certain search terms, but I assure you that it will be only temporary, maybe a couple of months at most, until the search engine updates the databases, cleans up and finishes penalizing your website by eliminating it forever from the first search pages.

Do not you believe it? It's easy: imagine 10 companies in the same industry that pay the same "specialized SEO company" to appear first in the same search terms. Which of the 10 would get the first position? The company has promised the first position at 10, but there can only be one winner... Indeed, none will be the first, as long as some get the 5 or 6 position, because in the end it is the search engine algorithms that select the positions , and algorithms can not be bought.

A website that is not updated in months is considered a dead website, and loses positions in search engines, positions that are later very difficult to recover. A website that copies content or that does not have a good structure is an unprofessional website, it loses credibility and will also lose points in the search engine competition. A website that does spam campaigns will end up on the black list of email servers, and therefore will be eliminated from search engines. A website that uses fraudulent advertising and needs automated visits and false links will end up being labeled as fraudulent, and in the search engine list.

As I said before, SEO is a combination of fame and credibility, and neither of the two can be bought, you have to earn them. The only trick to get a good, long-lasting and stable positioning is a well-made and structured website, quality content, perseverance and patience. Do not fall for the scams of those companies that promise good positions through absurd campaigns and dubious methodologies, because positioning cannot really be bought, if this were the case, search engines would lose their credibility.

SEO, don't get ripped off

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