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Blog - 08/12/2019 13:40 | Blog - Web

New Website

Welcome to my new website. A different approach for a different purpose.

After a long time working as a freelance in the world of software development, web pages and graphic design; After many personal projects and some multi-employment while trying to perform as an entrepreneur, I have decided that it is time to consider a new professional approach, and what better way to start than with a totally new and renewed personal website, which does not look anything like me old portal.

In a blacksmith's home ...

Due to my assignments as a self-employed worker, my personal projects and other jobs, in addition to the day-to-day tasks, I gradually abandoned my old website, without adding new content, without doing the proper maintenance, and in the end it was outdated and outdated. The best thing was to recreate a new website from scratch, with a content manager designed and developed by me, which simplifies the work of updating the entire portal much more, especially now that I have decided to focus my professional career in a different way.

This new website, which will be in some way my online professional curriculum, where I will upload my work, both new and old, my projects, personal concerns and tutorials and guides, but always from a professional perspective, leaving aside personal issues or aspects of my private life.

It will be a web portal where I can share my advances and labor issues with companies in the sector and colleagues in the union.

Why a personal website?

I am not a big fan of social networks, I think they are a good communication tool if they are used well, but I do not think they are the most suitable place to deal with labor and professional issues, much less to create a professional public profile. Obviously I am a user of some social networks (content networks more specifically), which I use to keep up with my hobbies and follow and share my achievements with others with similar interests, but are restricted there, to the personal field of my hobbies.

None of these networks will be linked or related to my professional profile, they are two totally different areas that I will always keep separate.

See you soon in future blog updates!

New Website

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